Deze literatuurlijst hoort bij het artikel 'Alledaagse dingen als vliegwiel voor verandering' (pag.49, Sozio, 3, september 2019)
Evans, D. (1998). Development of the self-concept in children with mental retardation: Organismic and contextual factors. In J. Burack, R. Hodapp, & E. Zigler (Eds.), Handbook of Mental Retardation and Development (pp. 80-462).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Franck, E., De Raedt, R., Barbez, C., & Rosseel, Y. (2008). Psychometric properties of the Dutch Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Psychologica Belgica, 48, 25-35.
Hodapp, R., Burack, J., & Zigler, E. (1998). Developmental approaches to mental retardation: A short introduction. In J. Burack, R. Hodapp, & E. Zigler (Eds.), Handbook of Mental Retardation and Development (pp. 3-19).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lee, A., & Hankin, B. L. (2009). Insecure attachment, dysfunctional attitudes, and low self-esteem predicting prospective symptoms of depression and anxiety during adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 38, 219-231.
Popovicia, D. V., & Buic-Belciua, C. (2013). Self-concept pattern in adolescent students with intellectual disability. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 516-520. Zessen,van. (2019) Zelfwaardering. Snelle methode voor stressreductie en gedragsverandering. Amsterdam: SWP